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Windows Tips and Tricks

File Dialog Sort

file dialog sorts backwards

secret root account

Set up GodMode The awesomely named GodMode brings up a special menu that puts lots of settings together in one place.

To enable it, create a new folder anywhere on your root drive and rename it GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}.

It will create a special icon that when you click on it shows you a beautiful advanced control panel.

Clean Installs

Head to Settings | Updates & Security | Recovery and you'll see a new option under More recovery options:

“Learn how to start fresh with a clean installation of Windows.”

This link takes you to an online Microsoft help page that lets you download a tool to aid in clean installs.

Print to PDF

You can finally print a document (or rather, save it) as PDF without using a third-party utility using Microsoft's Print to PDF.

This makes it much easier to save and distribute documents that aren't easily modified. Another long overdue feature makes it in under the radar.

Keyboard shortcuts Here are some keyboard shortcuts you may want to be aware of – ones that will really help your daily workflow:
  • Windows Key-Tab (Task View)
  • Windows Key-Right-Up (Moves app to top right quadrant)
  • Windows Key-Ctrl-Left or Right (virtual desktop)
  • Windows Key-Ctrl-D (new virtual desktop)
  • Windows Key-Ctrl-C (Cortana listening)
  • Windows Key-S (Daily Glance for weather, news, sports)
  • Windows Key-Ctrl-F4 (closes virtual desktop)
  • Windows Key-Up and Down (snap apps to top or bottom of screen or maximizes)
Use Maps offline The new Maps app lets you work offline (Remember those old Microsoft Maps programs?); click Settings >

Download or Update Maps, and then select the continent and country you want.

Find the original Control Panel (and other goodies)

The new Settings panel is easy to navigate and makes more sense than the crufty old Control Panel,

but you'll still need the latter to access some deeper options in the system. It's easy to call up, even though it's hidden;

just right click on the Start button on the bottom left of the screen and choose it from the pop-up menu, or type Control Panel

in the Search bar at the bottom left in the taskbar. When you right-click the Start button, you'll see all kinds of useful things there,

such as Computer Management and Disk Management;

for what it's worth, those options bring you right back to the familiar Windows 7-style apps in each case.

Windows 10's new Game Mode lets you boost performance by reallocating system resources toward whatever you're playing. In fact, there's a whole new Gaming panel in Settings that gives you quick control of the Game DVR and the Game Bar (triggered with Windows key-G). You can also broadcast games to your audience with sub-second latency using Beam.
windows.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/25 21:26 by rfile